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Fakultät Sozialwissenschaften

Innovation II: Analysis and Design


12:00 bis 14:00 (2SWS)

Emil-Figge-Straße 50 - 2.437

The seminar „Innovation II: Analysis and Design“ focuses on the social, organisational, cultural and technological prerequisites of social innovation processes as well as concepts and methods of their design and diffusion. Central topics include the role of different actors in shaping innovation processes and the importance of local, regional and national innovation systems. In addition, the embedding of innovation processes in different social innovation fields is discussed and factors that promote and inhibit innovation are analysed. An important point of reference is the potential contribution of innovation to overcoming major societal challenges and to shaping socio-ecological transformation processes, focussing on concepts and findings of current theoretical and empirical research results in the field of innovation research. 

Belegung von Modul 5.6
