Reminder: SISCODE-Abschlusskonferenz “Co-creating human-centered policies - for a better Europe“

An jedem Konferenztag wird ein zentrales Thema im Bereich Ko-Kreation diskutiert, u.a. unterschiedliche Beteiligungskulturen für das Engagement von Bürger:innen, Ansätze für Beteiligungsdesigns und -methoden, Empowerment und Inklusion sowie Potentiale und Herausforderungen von Ökosystemen für Ko-Kreation, insbesondere zur Entwicklung lokaler Nachhaltigkeitsinnovationen.
Gemeinsam mit der italienischen Organisation APRE – Agency for the Promotion of European Research ist die Sozial­forschungs­stelle an der Ausrichtung des 4. Konferenztages beteiligt.
Co-creating ecosystems: Enabling collaboration for sustainable cities (06 Mai 2021, 9.30-12.20)
Wie kann ein unterstützendes Ko-Kreations-Ökosystem aussehen, und wie kann es zur Nachhaltigkeit von Städten beitragen? Diese und weitere Fragen werden am 4. Tag der Abschlusskonferenz von SISCODE diskutiert. Die Teilnehmer:innen werden nicht nur die neuesten Forschungsergebnisse auf dem Gebiet der Ko-Kreation und spannende Praxisbeispiele aus den SISCODE Ko-Kreation Labs kennenlernen. Sie werden auch die Möglichkeit haben, ihre Meinung mitzuteilen und zu dem Ko-Kreation Manifest beizutragen, das als Ergebnis der gesamten Konferenzwoche veröffentlicht wird.
09.30-09.40 AM - Welcome and introduction, by Christoph Kaletka, Social Research Centre, TU Dortmund University
09.40-10.00 AM - Diverse Co-Creation Ecosystems: Insights from SISCODE, talk by Alessandro Deserti - Felicitas Schmittinger - Ilaria Mariani, Polimi; Daniel Krüger, TU Dortmund University. The input highlights results from SISCODE’s research about Co-Creation Ecosystems. What is a supportive ecosystem, and how can it be developed? And what are important insights from research?
10.00-11.00 AM - Introduction: SISCODE Co-Creation Labs, by Margot Bezzi, APRE; Project presentations by Marion Real, IAAC| Fab Lab Barcelona; Gonçalo Praça - João Marques, Ciência Viva; Prof. Panos Bamidis - Dr. Evdokimos Konstantinidis, Despoina Mantziari, AUTH/Thess-AHALL
- The journey and ecosystem dynamic of Remix el Barrio: Fighting food waste at neighborhood scale, by gathering local restaurants, markets, designers and associations and proposing new ways of experimenting with circular systems by transforming peels, shells and other food leftovers into new materials, products and services.
- Kayaks to the river!: Setting up interesting, mobilizing, safe and accessible experiences on the river estuary in Lisbon, engaging users, while promoting ocean literacy and awareness. During the lifetime of SISCODE, this was envisioned as a science festival devoted to the DIY design, adaption and/or construction of real size kayaks that can be used in rivers like our river; the festival and its content should be co-created by the participants. We will discuss how this could become a real initiative by opening up this co-creation agenda.
- Partners of “Experience”: A life-long learning programme for older adult early-stage researchers, in which citizens stand in “the researchers’ shoes”, applying Living Lab methodologies and experiential learning activities to co-explore and co-create solutions for everyday living problems of their city. The university opens its doors to older adult citizens, and along with key policymaking actors, the city turns into a co-creation playground for older adult researchers to find solutions and address key societal challenges related to various aspects of everyday living (e.g. environment, active citizenship, public health & social welfare) FOR their city and WITH their city.
11.00-11.10 AM - Bridge & Break, introduction to parallel Workshop Sessions
11.10-12.15 AM - Workshop Session 1-4
- Workshop Session: Towards the ideal Co-Creation Ecosystem - Further exploring SISCODE research results. Facilitated by Alessandro Deserti - Felicitas Schmittinger - Ilaria Mariani, Polimi; Daniel Krüger, TU Dortmund University. Co-creation is realized in diverse contexts and is confronted with very different framework conditions. Within the SISCODE project, more than 140 cases of co-creation from all over the EU have been analyzed, and numerous insights and recommendations have been derived. Participants will learn more about enabling and hindering conditions for co-creation and reflect these results collaboratively.
- Workshop Session: CoRRI Forum: Building communities for sustainable cities. Facilitated by Olga Glumac, Tedora Aibu, SPI; Agnieszka Włodarczyk, Krakow Technology Park; Asger Nørregård Rasmussen, Maker / Viadukten. This co-creation session is channeled through the CoRRI Forum, a community of practice created by the SISCODE project but co-owned and co-implemented by its beneficiaries. The session is centered on how innovation communities can be built at the local and regional level to strengthen collaboration and understanding between decision-makers and beneficiaries of the actions. This workshop will be a roundtable with local policymakers as panelists who will collectively converge ideas and experiences to exchange lessons learned from co-creation journeys in which they partook. The session will be co-facilitated by two of the SISCODE co-creation labs that will also fuel the discussion with views from the public and existing innovation actors at the local and regional levels. CoRRI representatives will showcase how the learning outputs and recommendations can be scaled to transnational innovation communities. The floor will be opened so all participants can partake actively in the discussion. Participants will leave the session with a higher level of understanding of how co-creation initiatives can be applied in different contexts to create bonds and how their actions could be facilitated through CoRRI and its working group devoted to the workshop’s topic.
- Workshop Session: A “mini-manifesto” on Responsible Research & Innovation. Facilitated by Despoina Mantziari - Despoina Petsani, AUTH/Thess-AHALL; Ines Vaittinen, European Network of Living Labs, ENoLL. A few minutes of inspirational, enlightening talk will start off this session. Showcasing the “Partners of Experience” life-long learning programme for older adult early-stage researchers and the impact of RRI on the co-creation journey of Thess-AHALL Living Lab. The discussion will be facilitated by the Tips & Tricks for Responsible Research & Innovation. The Tips & Tricks is a creative tool that operates as a discussion starter to reflect on previous experiences and explore new perspectives and possibilities in specific fields of interest or research work. Participants in the session will share their own experiences - both positive and negative - on aspects presented in the Tips & Tricks for RRI cards, showcasing their projects and real-life case studies. At the end of the workshop, participants will co-create their T&Ts to add to the provided pack of cards and conclude in a “mini-manifesto,” based on their lessons-learned, visions and achievements.
- Workshop Session: Beyond Remix El Barrio: The Social Innovation Ecosystem of Poblenou with Fab Lab Barcelona.Facilitated by Marion Real - Milena Juarez Calvo, IAAC/Fab Lab Barcelona; Alejandra Castro - Eva Wascher, TU Dortmund University. The Remix El Barrio case is set at Fab Lab Barcelona at IAAC, located in the innovation district of 22@Poblenou in Barcelona. We will explore how the project delved into their community with an intensive stakeholder mapping and elaborate on the roles played by the 22@Poblenou district, Fab Lab Barcelona, and other key agents of the neighborhood in the regenerative transformation of the local ecosystem.
12.20-12.30 AM - Wrap-up
„SISCODE -Codesign for society in innovation and science“ ist ein im europäischen Forschungsrahmenprogramm Horizon 2020 gefördertes Projekt, an dem die Sozial­forschungs­stelle der TU Dortmund als wissenschaftlicher Partner beteiligt ist.
Co-Creation Lab Journeys
Die Projektbeteiligten aus den SISCODE Co-Creation Labs haben ihre Erfahrungen zur praktischen Umsetzung von Ko-Kreationsprozessen in kurzen Videos zusammengestellt. Eine Übersicht gibt es hier.
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