EVE4all – Simple Understanding for everyone
Research area Innovation and education in the digital society | Dr. habil. Bastian Pelka | Dr. Vanessa-Nina Heitplatz | Marie-Christin Lueg
Validation of the innovation potential of the Easy Reading Framework for the improvement of digital participation in cooperation with the department of rehabilitation technology (TU Dortmund University)

Federal Ministry of Education and Research
In the project "EVE4all - Easy Understanding for All", the Easy Reading Framework is validated with its features and tools for improving the participation of different user groups, such as people with learning difficulties, a migration history or low reading ability.
The Easy Reading System can be used to enable people with different support needs to independently use non-accessible websites. In contrast to conventional solutions, which either require website operators to provide easy-to-read content or to create their own pages, e.g. in plain language, the Easy Reading Framework enables individualized and needs-based adaptation of any website. In this way, people with support needs remain included in the general digital discourse. The Easy Reading Framework and the included tools were developed in an inclusive research and development project and were therefore adapted in a special way to the support needs of this group. The conception of the Easy Reading Framework and the included functions basically allow for many different possible uses. A special value could be the use of the framework for low literate people and people with migration background.
In the EVE4all project, the Easy Reading Framework will be validated for use in formal and informal educational contexts. The findings will be used to optimize the Easy Reading Framework for a wide range of different groups of users with digital access barriers. The goal is to be able to deploy the Easy Reading Framework in the sense of a non-monetary social innovation in educational and residential institutions of various social service providers nationwide.
- Validation of the innovation potential of the Easy Reading Framework.
- Improving the participation of different user groups
- Addressing digital access barriers
- Nationwide deployment of Easy Reading as a non-monetary social innovation in educational and residential settings.
Within the framework of the EVE4all project, the SFS is responsible in particular for knowledge transfer and sustainability as well as public relations. To this end, various stakeholders are approached and involved in the validation process in order to sound out possible sponsorships.