Sociodigital Transformation towards Excellent Leadership and Labour (eLLa4.0)
Research area Sociodigital transformation of work and organisation | Dr. Ralf Kopp | Thorben Krokowski | Dr. Hendrik Lager | Dr. Tobias Wienzek | Iris Wroblewski
The project eLLa4.0 enables executive leaders to shape and manage sociodigital systems by developing interaction competence and enable them to exploit the potentials of digitisation for excellent labour.

This research project is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) in the program "Future of Work: Working on and with People", co-financed by the European Social Fund (ESF) and supervised by the Project Management Agency Karlsruhe (PTKA).
The understanding of leadership and the skills of managers at different hierarchical levels strongly influence the extent to which the potential of digitization can be tapped for the purpose of good work. The current challenge facing managers is that all the interacting elements of the operational interaction structure, such as people, machines, organizational processes, and work tasks, are undergoing permanent change. Digitization processes must be managed in such a way that employees are enabled to perform their work in a way that is conducive to personal development, and that their participation and co-design demands are realized. This can only succeed if the structure of interaction within a company is understood and managed as a socio-digital system.
In the eLLa4.0 research project, managers are enabled to manage sociodigital systems by building up interaction competence and tapping the potential of digitization for good work.
The project results enable managers from different sectors to anticipate the consequences of their interventions in the sociodigital fabric and to reflect on them in terms of the impact on working conditions. In this way, wrong decisions and misdirection in the digital transformation can be avoided and decision uncertainties can be minimized. Conversely, technologies can be configured and selected more easily so that they support forms of good work.
- FIR e. V. at RWTH Aachen University
- Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering IAO
- DMG Mori Spare Parts GmbH
- BEUMER Group GmbH & Co KG
The aim of the project is to enable executives to manage sociodigital systems by building up interaction skills and thus tap the potential of digitization for good work. To this end, suitable management concepts and qualification offerings are being developed for different target groups and combined in a certificate course entitled "Excellent Socialdigital Leadership." In addition, new learning worlds for the qualification of managers will be tested. The Social Research Center is responsible for coordinating the project.
Qualitative interviews with experts will be used to examine the new challenges and orientation and qualification requirements that arise for managers in the course of digitization. To this end, aspects such as leadership concepts, understanding of roles and leadership competencies will be analyzed scientifically. In addition, changes in the socio-digital interaction structure of the human-technology-organization system will be examined in the participating companies (production and services), concrete needs analyses will be carried out and leadership-relevant design measures will be derived. The experiences are compiled and evaluated in prototypical case studies. As a result of the expert interviews and case studies, target group-specific qualification offers as well as an action guideline for building interaction competence will be developed and integrated into the framework of the Demonstration Factory Aachen and the Future Work Lab Stuttgart for further training support.