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Department of Social Sciences

Dr. Tobias Wienzek


Social Research Center Dortmund (sfs)

Evinger Platz 17, Room 47


Tel.: +49 231 755 90247

Fax: +49 231 755 90205


Research Associate
Research area Sociodigital transformation of work and organisation

Focus of work
Industry 4.0
Innovation research
Production research
Low-skilled work

  • Since 2018: Research Associate at sfs Dortmund, research area "Sociodigital transformation of work and organisation"
  • 2014: Doctoral degree (Dr. rer. pol.), TU Dortmund University, dissertation topic "Boundary Spanner und Promotoren in Innovationskooperationen nicht-forschungsintensiver KMU" [Boundary spanners and promoters in innovation collaborations of non-research-intensive SMEs]
  • 2008–2018: Research Assistant at the Chair of Economic and Industrial Sociology, Department of Economics and Social Sciences, TU Dortmund University
  • 2006–2008: Sales / Branch Manager at Graeber & Partner GmbH
  • 2006: Diploma in Economics, TU Dortmund University. Topic of diploma thesis "Interaktionsmuster in der betrieblichen Mitbestimmung - ERA in NRW“ [Patterns of interaction in workplace co-determination]
  • 1997–2006: Studies in economics and social sciences, focus on sociology, TU Dortmund University

01.05.2008–30.4.2011: Innovationsmanagement für Lowtech-Hightech-Kooperationen - Low2High [Innovation management for low-tech-high-tech cooperations]

01.09.2010–31.12.2013: Wandlungsfähigkeit durch modulare Produktionssysteme - WamoPro [Adaptability through modular production systems]

01.11.2015–30.04.2019: Sozio-technische Gestaltung und Einführung Cyber-Physischer Produktionssysteme in nicht-forschungsintensiven Unternehmen – STEPS [Socio-technical design and introduction of cyber-physical production systems in non-research-intensive companies]

01.09.2019–31.08.2022: Sociodigital Trans­for­ma­tion towards Excellent Leadership and Labour (eLLa4.0)

01.10.2019–30.09.2022: VISITS - Networking and Interaction Work in Smart Technical Services

01.10.2020–30.11.2020: Ch@nge Ruhr


You can also find a list of publications on the Dortmund University Bibliography page.