Research Agenda for Social Innovation
What is the future of social innovation, and what pressing research questions need to be answered in order to harness the potential of this topic area that is as dynamic as it is controversial? The Research Agenda for Social Innovation edited by Jürgen Howaldt, Christoph Kaletka and Antonius Schröder, published by Elgar Edwards in November 2021, offers insights into the various strands of research on social innovation and explores the history and theory of this increasingly influential research field. The individual chapters describe the range of social innovation and explore the increased political and public interest. The book's contributions deal i.a. with social innovation in education, poverty reduction, environmental policy, and health. Against the background of their many years of research, the internationally renowned authors analyse different approaches and illustrate the status and challenges of social innovation research in the respective topic areas. At the same time, they elaborate on the framework conditions and infrastructures that are necessary for social innovations to tackle the major challenges facing society.

Content of the Research Agenda for Social Innovation
1 A research agenda for social innovation – the emergence of a research field - Jürgen Howaldt, Christoph Kaletka and Antonius Schröder
2 Research on the history of innovation: from thespiritual to the social - Benoît Godin and Cornelius Schubert
3 Social innovation and social change - Jürgen Howaldt and Michael Schwarz
4 The importance of systems thinking and transformation for social innovation research: the evolution of an approach to social innovation - Katharine McGowan, Frances Westley, Michele-Lee Moore, Erin Alexiuk, Nino Antadze, Sean Geobey and Ola Tjornbo
5 The role of social innovation research in sustainable development - Jeremy Millard
6 Digital transformation of work: spillover effects of workplace innovation on social innovation - Steven Dhondt, Peter R.A. Oeij and Frank D. Pot
7 Capabilities approach and social innovation - Rafael Ziegler
8 Unpacking epistemic diversities in grassroots social innovation and enterprises in India: a critical agenda for re-centering people - Swati Banerjee and Abdul Shaban
9 Social innovation ecosystems: a literature review and insights for a research agenda - Graziela Dias Alperstedt and Carolina Andion
10 Power and conflict in social innovation:a field-based perspective - Simon Teasdale, Michael J. Roy and Lars Hulgård
11 Research on social innovation: advancing the frontiers of social innovation research and policy - Geoff Mulgan
12 Collaborative spaces for social innovation - Eva Wascher
13 The role of design research in and for social innovation - Tamami Komatsu Cipriani, Alessandro Deserti and Francesca Rizzo
14 Social innovation and social sciences: reflections on a difficult relationship - Klaus Schuch and Nela Šalamon
15 Measuring social innovation - Judith Terstriep, Gorgi Krlev, Georg Mildenberger, Simone Strambach, Jan-Frederik Thurmann and Laura Wloka