STEEL TECH 2023 has given Communication Forum Award to Antonius Schröder

When receiving the award he first thanked the jury in a speech for the honor and highlighted the great support for his work from the European Steel Technology Platform (ESTEP), from the European Steel Federation (EUROFER) and from the industriALL Europe trade union.
In a presentation, he also introduced the Industry 5.0 concept promoted by the EU. It focuses on a people-centric, resilient and sustainable industry. Schröder's paper presented the focus on human-centricity as a way to combine technological and social innovation. It was argued that Industry 5.0 is, at its core, a value-driven, human-centered and, above all, employee-centered paradigm, largely based on current Industry 4.0 technology. The criteria for human-centered system design, human-centered approaches to skills development, qualification and organizational design were assessed as central to driving digital and green transformation through social innovation. The important role that the steel industry can play in achieving societal goals through green and sustainable forms of production was underscored. The remarks were underpinned by project results from several current projects.
Further information:
Steel Tech | Bilbao Exhibition Centre | BEC