Workshops of the GOW – Dortmund 2020
Wifi in residential groups - opportunities and possibilities through the use of the Internet
Content and Methodology:
- Opportunities and risks of Internet use (the focus is on opportunities)
- How do I use the Internet correctly? → individual wishes
- How do I help my clients use the Internet safely?
- Purchase of the Internet for the facility
- Combination of theoretical and practical input
Target group:
- People with cognitive impairment
- Pedagogues
- Networking
- Education about the opportunities and possibilities of Internet use
- Competence acquisition
- Minimizing the digital gap
#Watch out - Dangers on the Internet - We show you your Plan B!
- Raising awareness of responsible handling
- Hazard detection
- Advantages and disadvantages of online gaming
- Child-friendly alternative as a solution to violent games
Target group:
- Elementary pupils of the 3rd + 4th grade
- Development of a jump'n'run game
- Development of a conscious approach to online gaming
- Presentation of an alternative offer
- Promotion of self-reflection
Media in everyday life - risks of the smartphone
- Preliminary: Questionnaire on usage behavior
- Reflection on own usage behavior and assessment of comparative figures through a question and answer session
- Joint development of risks by means of case studies
- Group work on the advantages and disadvantages of different apps
- Joint development of a checklist in the form of a poster
Target group:
- Pupils of the lower school (different school types)
- Creation of a checklist in the form of a poster for the individual classes
- Raising awareness for a reflective use of the smartphone
- Raising awareness of the risks of various APPs
Media-based vocational preparation for refugees
Content and Methodology:
- Teaching basic skills through an interactive presentation
- Preparation of an exemplary letter of application / CV
- Consolidation of the knowledge through practical application and a handout
Target group:
- Refugees of all ages with basic knowledge of the German language
- Acquire the skills to create a curriculum vitae and a strong application letter