Is the normal employment relationship now the exception?
The development of employment conditions is characterised by an increase in atypical forms of employment (temporary employment, mini jobs, part-time and temporary work, solo self-employment) with mostly poor pay.
Our research asks whether this development is experienced as precarisation and what steps are taken to counteract it.

Studies “fair instead of precarious”
In the publication “fair statt prekär” (fair instead of precarious), various empirical studies are published in loose sequence, in which the effects of precarisation on working conditions and living situations in the region are elaborated and illustrated in detail. The studies analyse processes of precarisation and highlight starting points for interventions to foster fair employment.
The publications from the series are available as PDF downloads (in german). Individual copies can also be ordered from us as printed brochures. Please send your order by e-mail to: iris.kastel-drillertu-dortmundde.
- Andreas Flüchter / Klaus Kock / Bettina Lange / Philipp Renz
Good work with clientele
An empirical study on the requirements and practices of interactive service work
sfs Beiträge aus der Forschung Volume 200, Dortmund 2018
- Klaus Boeckmann
Would you like a little more?
Employment trends in Dortmund during the transition to the statutory minimum wage
sfs Beiträge aus der Forschung Volume 194, Dortmund 2016
- Klaus Boeckmann
Taking responsibility for the company
How CSR concepts can be used for the representation work of works and staff councils
sfs Beiträge aus der Forschung Volume 193, Dortmund 2016
- Lioba Karbach
Takeover is a matter of negotiation
An Empirical Study on Activities of Youth and Trainee Representatives for Fair Employment
sfs Beiträge aus der Forschung Volume 190, Dortmund 2014
- Klaus Boeckmann
Location development, corporate responsibility and company representation of interests
- illustrated by the example of the industrial and commercial location Dortmund-Hafen.
sfs Beiträge aus der Forschung Volume 188, Dortmund 2014
- Sebastian Müller
How housing becomes precarious
Financial Investors, Junk Real Estate and Hartz IV
sfs Beiträge aus der Forschung Volume 181, Dortmund 2012
- Alexander Graetz, Sven Kathöfer, Klaus Kock
Temporarily Not Retired
An Empirical Study on Motives and Backgrounds of Gainful Employment Beyond the Age Limit
sfs Beiträge aus der Forschung Volume 178, Dortmund 2010
- Klaus Boeckmann
Divided Time - Half the Sorrow?
Employment Relationships of Women and Men in Structural Change
sfs Beiträge aus der Forschung Volume 170, Dortmund 2009
- Klaus Kock
Precarious Employment and Local Trade Union Work
A Case Study from the Ruhr Area
sfs Beiträge aus der Forschung Volume 168, Dortmund 2009
- Klaus Kock (Hg.)
The price of freedom
Solo self-employed between marketization, professionalization and solidarization
sfs Beiträge aus der Forschung Volume 164, Dortmund 2008
- Manfred Koch
Temporary work as a last resort?
The precarious reality of a flexible form of employment
sfs Beiträge aus der Forschung Volume 154, Dortmund 2007
- Klaus Boeckmann
End of the downturn?
Employment Development in the Eastern Ruhr Area
sfs Beiträge aus der Forschung Volume 152, Dortmund 2006
- Klaus Kock, Ulrich Pröll, Martina Stackelbeck
fair instead of precarious
Reflections on the Analysis and Design of Employment Relationships in the Region
sfs Beiträge aus der Forschung Volume 151, Dortmund 2006
- Melanie Mörchen
Internship as precarious employment
Exploitation or Chance for Integration?
sfs Beiträge aus der Forschung Volume 149, Dortmund 2006
- Martina Stackelbeck
Pleased to take note!
How the new labor market and social policy affects the eastern Ruhr region
sfs Beiträge aus der Forschung Volume 146, Dortmund 2004
Cities and districts in the Dortmund-Hellweg region and North Rhine-Westphalia - brief reports (PDF download in german) and graphics (JPG)
Dortmund | Hamm | Kreis Soest | Kreis Unna | NRW | |
Kurzberichte | PDF-Download | PDF-Download | PDF-Download | PDF-Download | PDF-Download |
Gesamtentwicklung | JPG | JPG | JPG | JPG | JPG |