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Department of Social Sciences


Innovation, Inclusion, Participation: sfs Research Group at HCI-Conference

Group photo at HCI conference
f.l.t.r.: Matthias Busch and Ingo Siebert (University Magdeburg), Lukas Baumann and Christoph Kaletka (TU Dortmund), Sacha Guyer and Christian Scherer (Zurich University of Applied Sciences)
A long-standing research collaboration continued at this year's Human-Computer Interaction Conference, which took place from 1 to 4 July in Washington DC. The Social Research Centre, the Faculty of Rehabilitation Sciences at TU Dortmund University and the University of Special Education in Zurich strengthened their collaboration with jointly organised themed sessions and invited lectures.

Conceptual considerations on the role of innovation for social and digital participation, the latest results of the IncluScience project on citizen science and much more: a total of 17 scientists and teams successfully applied for the thematic focus, which was once again organised this year by PD Dr Christoph Kaletka (sfs), Deputy Prof. Dr Susanne Dirks (Faculty of Rehabilitation Sciences), Prof. Ingo Bosse and Prof. Daniela Nussbaumer (HfH Zurich). Due to the high level of interest, one session became three. Christoph Kaletka moderated two of them on site and gave a presentation on "Innovating inclusion: Social innovation perspectives for societal participation", based on a paper developed together with Daniel Krüger (sfs). Ann-Christin Schulz (sfs) spoke on the topic of "The Participation of People with Disabilities in (Citizen) Science Projects - Best Practice Examples from a Toolbox to Support Inclusive Research" and also represented the co-authors of the associated paper, Daniel Krüger and PD Dr Bastian Pelka (Faculty of Rehabilitation Sciences).

Lukas Baumann and Leevke Wilkens (Faculty of Rehabilitation Sciences) were two other scientists from TU Dortmund University who presented current research findings. The three sessions were highly international: The speakers represented universities and research institutions from the USA, Switzerland, Canada, Sweden, Great Britain, Italy, France and Finland.

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