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Department of Social Sciences


Handbook on Social Innovation and Social Policy published, with contribution from the sfs.

Cover Handbook on Social Innovation and Social Policy © Edward Elgar Publishing Limited
The Handbook on Social Innovation and Social Policy has been published. Jürgen Howaldt, Rick Hölsgens and Christoph Kaletka contributed with a chapter on Social Innovation and Sustainable Development.

The Handbook on Social Innovation and Social Policy offers a critical perspective on the interconnected fields of social innovation and social policy. It was published in March by Edward Elgar Publishing and has been edited by Stephen Sinclair and Simone Baglioni. The Handbook covers a total of 24 chapters. Prof. Dr. Jürgen Howaldt, Dr. Rick Hölsgens and PD Dr. Christoph Kaletka wrote a contribution on the topic of social innovation and sustainable development. Building upon a broad understanding of sustainability that not only addresses ecological challenges, but also social wellbeing, the chapter highlights the potentials and roles of social innovation and (social) innovation policy.

You can take a look at the table of contents at: