Dr. Ann Christin Schulz
Social Research Center Dortmund (sfs)
Evinger Platz 17, Room 82
Email: annchristin.schulztu-dortmundde
Tel.: +49 231 755 90274
Fax: +49 231 755 90205
Research Associate
Research area Innovation and education in the digital society
Focus of work
Digital inclusion/e-Inclusion
Digital competences
Social innovation
Disadvantaged groups
- 04/2024: Completion of the doctorate (Dr. rer. soc.) at Ruhr-University Bochum, Faculty of Social Science
- 06/2020 - 04/2023: PhD candidate in Social Sciences, Ruhr-University Bochum
- Since April 2019: Research Associate at the Social Research Center, TU Dortmund University, Department of Social Sciences
- January 2018–March 2019: Research Assistant at the Social Research Center, TU Dortmund University, Department of Social Sciences
- April 2017–September 2017: Research Assistant at Ruhr University Bochum
- November 2016–March 2017: Student Assistant at Ruhr University Bochum
- October 2016–March 2019: Master of Social Sciences (specialisation in “Social research methods”), Ruhr University Bochum
- Oktober 2013–September 2016: Bachelor of Social Sciences, Ruhr University Bochum
- Since February 2024: SmartVille
- Since 2022: Work - the way I want to!
- Since May 2021: IncluScience –Disability Mainstreaming in Science and Practice
- February 2018 - April 2021: Emscher-Lippe4
05.12.24: Presentation „The participation of people with disabilities in (citizen) science projects. Best practice examples from the toolbox“, PartWiss 24 (Berlin).
22.11.2024: Schulz, A. C. & Best, C. (2024). Innovative approaches towards reducing health-related educational inequalities in rural communities in Namibia and Zambia. Presentation at the 7th Community Health Conference. Bochum University of Applied Sciences for Health
17.07.2024: Presentation „Complex but enriching: How participatory, inter- and transdisciplinary working methods establish new (digital) solutions and practices in organizational systems”, EASST-4S 2024 (Amsterdam).
03.07.2024: Paper Presentation „The Participation of People with Disabilities in (Citizen) Science Projects. Best Practice Examples from a Toolbox to Support Inclusive Research”, HCII 2024 (online).
23.11.2023: Vortrag „Partizipative Verfahren zur Stärkung der Teilhabe von Menschen mit Behinderung in Forschung und Praxis“, 6. Community Health Konferenz (Bochum).
30.08.2023: Vortrag “Strengthening the Inclusiveness in Citizen Science to improve the Participation of People with Diabilitites”, AAATE 2023 (Paris).
26.07.2023: Paper Presentation „Inclusiveness of Citizen Science. How people with disabilities can participate in Citizen Science approaches”, HCII 2023 (Kopenhagen).
09.02.2023: Vortrag „Innovation der Forschung: Inklusive Bürger*innenwissenschaften“, IFO 2023 - 36. Jahrestagung der Inklusionsforscher:innen (online).
25.11.2022: Talk "The real laboratory for more participation and empowerment of people with disabilities in working life", 5th Community Health Conference (Bochum)
06.10.2022: Workshop with lecture "IncluScience - Workshop on the project and the citizen science toolbox", INSIST conference (Berlin)
08.07.2022: Poster presentation "Project presentation IncluScience", a.r.t.e.s Forum (Cologne)
22.06.2022: Talk "Digitalization as a process of social innovation & chances and risks of digitalization", kick-off event SteTiG (Düsseldorf)
19.11.2021: Talk „Potenziale der Digitalisierung für die Teilhabe von Menschen mit Behinderung. Eine anwendungsbezogene Praxisforschung im Alltag“ (Potentials of digitalisation for the participation of persons with disabilities. An application-oriented practice research in everyday life), 13. Dortmunder Teilhabetag in Kooperation mit Bethel.regional (online)
- 03.11.2021: Talk „Digitale Tools für die Praxis in der Jugendsozialarbeit. Das Padlet zu digitalen Tools für Soziale Arbeit“ (Digital tools for practice in youth social work. The padlet on digital tools for social work), Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Jugendsozialarbeit (online)
- 12.10.2021: Talk „Digitale Tools für die Praxis in der Jugendsozialarbeit. Das Padlet zu digitalen Tools für die Soziale Arbeit“ (Digital tools for practice in youth social work. The padlet on digital tools for social work), workshop on digitalisation in youth social work "Praxis – Diskussion – Vision", BAG KJS, IN VIA Deutschland, IN VIA Dortmund (online)
- 12.06.2021: Talk “Soziale Innovationen im Mini-FabLab Bottrop. Ein inklusiver Ort aus dem Projekt ‚Emscher-Lippe hoch 4‘“ (Social innovations in the Mini-FabLab Bottrop. An inclusive space from the project 'Emscher-Lippe hoch 4'), XXI. Conference for Applied Social Sciences of the BDS (online)
- 15.12.2020: PhD project “Potentials of digitalization for the participation of people with disabilities”, EU-SPRI PhD-Workshop, initially Valencia, due to the pandemic online
- 23.07.2020: Paper Presentation “Digital Skills for People with Disabilities in a Learning and Demonstration Experience Laboratory - The project „Emscher-Lippe hoch 4”, HCII2020, initially Copenhagen, due to the pandemic online
- 27.10.2019: PhD project “Potentials of digitization for the participation of people with disabilities”, ESSI PhD Workshop, Dortmund
- 02.10.2019: Talk „Ausbildung zur digitalen Teilhabe. Eine explorative Untersuchung der Hochschullehre zur digitalen Teilhabe in sozialen und pädagogischen Studienfächern“ (Training for digital participation. An explorative study on university teaching regarding the digital participation in social and pedagogic subjects), event on digitalisation of youth social work, Cologne
- 25.05.2019: Talk„Ausbildung zur digitalen Teilhabe. Eine explorative Untersuchung der Hochschullehre zur digitalen Teilhabe in sozialen und pädagogischen Studienfächern“ (Training for digital participation. An explorative study on university teaching regarding the digital participation in social and pedagogic subjects), XX. Conference for Applied Social Sciences of the BDS, Munich
- 21.05.2019: Vortrag „Ausbildung zur digitalen Teilhabe. Eine explorative Untersuchung der Hochschullehre zur digitalen Teilhabe in sozialen und pädagogischen Studienfächern“ (Training for digital participation. An explorative study on university teaching regarding the digital participation in social and pedagogic subjects), Network on labour research NRW, Gelsenkirchen
- 08.11.2018: Talk „Ausbildung zur digitalen Teilhabe. Eine explorative Untersuchung der Hochschullehre zur digitalen Teilhabe in sozialen und pädagogischen Studienfächern“ (Training for digital participation. An explorative study on university teaching regarding the digital participation in social and pedagogic subjects), IN VIA Academy, Paderborn
- 07.11.2018: Talk „Stärkenorientierte Nutzungspfade zum 3D-Druck“ (Strength-oriented usage paths to 3D printing), Ruhr West University of Applied Sciences, Bottrop
- 15.06.2018: Talk „Ausbildung zur digitalen Teilhabe. Eine explorative Untersuchung der Hochschullehre zur digitalen Teilhabe in sozialen und pädagogischen Studienfächern“ (Training for digital participation. An explorative study on university teaching regarding the digital participation in social and pedagogic subjects), BAGFW (Berlin)
You can also find a list of publications on the Dortmund University Bibliography page.