Dr. Lisa-Marian Schmidt
Social Research Center Dortmund
(Sozialforschungsstelle, sfs)
Evinger Platz 17, room 61
Email: lisa-marian.schmidttu-dortmundde
Tel.: +49 231 755 90213
Fax: +49 231 755 90205

Research Associate
Coordinator of the research area Work, Organization, Gender
Focus of workMitarbeiterin
Sociology of Gender, Work and Organization
Visual Sociology
Sociology of the Body
Qualitative Methodologies and Methods
Craft Cultures
2024: Research assistant in the project „IncluScience -Disability Mainstreaming in Science and Practice“, Social Research Unit of the Department of Social Sciences, Technical University of Dortmund
2023 - ongoing: Coordinator of the Research Area 02 “Work, Organization, Gender”, Social Research Unit of the Department of Social Sciences, Technical University of Dortmund
- 2023: Research assistant in the project "Respect Work: Respect in service work. Developing mutual respect in customer interaction to improve work and service quality." Social Research Center of the Department of Social Sciences, Dortmund University of Technology
- 2022: Research assistant in the project eLLa4.0: Good work and leadership in the socio-digital transformation, Social Research Center of the Department of Social Sciences, Dortmund University of Technology
- 2022- ongoing: Research assistant in the research area Work, Organization and Gender, Social Research Unit of the Department of Social Sciences, Dortmund University of Technology
- 2021- 2022: Research assistant in the project "Who Cares. An Investigation of the Compatibility of Research and Care Work in the Time of COVID-19 and Beyond", Center for Gender Studies, Georg-August-University Göttingen
- 2017-2020: Freelance work
- 2015-2019: Doctoral thesis at the University of Augsburg: "Shaping Futures. School subjectivations in the regime of competence-based practical learning", supervisors: Prof. Reiner Keller, Prof. Dariuš Zifonun
- 2015-2017: Research assistant, Department of Sociology with a focus on health research, Institute of Social Sciences, University of Augsburg
- 2014-2015: Freelance work, including teaching assignments at the Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences
- 2012-2014: Research assistant, research project "Successfully shaping transitions - transition management in the transitional space between school, training and studies", Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences Berlin
- 2011: Research assistant, Department of Science and Technology Cultures, HafenCity University Hamburg
- 2010-2011: Research assistant, research project "Potential analysis of migrants to solve the succession gap in SMEs", Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences Berlin
- 2010: Research assistant, scholarship for six months to submit a DFG project proposal, entitled "Image communication in the sciences using the case study of computational Neuroscience.", positive approval of the project proposal by the DFG 2013, Department of General Sociology, Institute of Sociology, Technische Universität Berlin
- 2004-2008: Student Assistant: Student Advisory Service, Internship Office, Alumni Program, Institute of Sociology, Technische Universität Berlin
- 2001-2009: (Part-time) studies of sociology in technical sciences, Institute of Sociology, Technical University of Berlin
- Technical subject: Ergonomics
- Sociological specialization: Organizational sociology
- Elective subject: Political Science
- Diploma with honors, diploma thesis "Images in science. Practices of visualization using the case study of neuroinformatics."
- Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Hubert Knoblauch, Prof. Dr. Werner Rammert
- 1999-2001: (Part-time) studies of South Asian and Southeast Asian Studies, Humboldt University of Berlin, Languages: Hindi, Bahasa Indonesia
- German Sociological Association
- Sections of the DGS: Women's and Gender Studies, Sociology of Work and Industry, Sociology of Knowledge
- International Sociological Association (ISA), ISA RC57 Visual Sociology
- Society for Science and Technology Studies e.V.
- Member of the equal opportunities team of Department 17
- Dortmunder Forum Frauen & Wirtschaft e.V. (dffw e.V.)