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Department of Social Sciences

Jens Maylandt


Social Research Center Dortmund (sfs)

Evinger Platz 17, Room 94


Tel.: +49 231 755 90282

Fax: +49 231 755 90205


Research Associate
Research area Sociodigital transformation of work and organisation

Focus of work

Research on co-determination
Power and authority in electoral bodies
Diffusion of social innovations

  • Since November 2006: Research Associate at Social Research Center, TU Dortmund University, research area Cooperation between science and the world of work
  • March–October 2006: Research Assistant at Social Research Center, TU Dortmund University, department "Arbeit, Bildung, Beteiligung" (work, education, participation)
  • May 2003–October 2005: Student Assistant at Social Research Center, TU Dortmund University, department "Arbeit, Bildung, Beteiligung" (work, education, participation)
  • Studies in social sciences, Ruhr University Bochum, degree in Social Sciences ("Diplom-Sozialwissenschaftler")

SISCODE – Co-Design for society in innovation and science, funded by the European Commission (Horizon 2020, 2018–2021)

"Nachfolgeplanung und Übergangsgestaltung im Betriebsrat", funded by Hans Böckler Foundation (2018–2019)

I-LINC: Platform for ICT learning and inclusion for youth employability and entrepreneurship, funded by the European Commission (Horizon 2020, 2015–2017)

"Demografiesensible Gesundheitsversorgung im ländlichen Raum – Innovative Strategien durch Vernetzung" (StrateGIN), funded by Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and ESF (2012–2015)

"Income from work after retirement in the EU", study on behalf of The European Foundation of the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Eurofound) (Januar–März 2012)

"Erwerbsarbeit und Ehrenamt in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und in Nordrhein-Westfalen" , study on behalf of the Ministerium für Arbeit, Integration und Soziales NRW (Juli 2011–Dezember 2011)

Evaluation Berufsorientierungscamps, on behalf of the Institute for Employment Research (IAB) (September 2010–Dezember 2011)

"PräTrans – Transferpotenziale der Kammern und Verbände für gesundheitliche Prävention in Klein- und Ein-Personen-Unternehmen" (Nov. 2006–Sept. 2010)

"Erfolgsfaktoren für die Integration älterer Langzeitarbeitslosigkeit in den Arbeitsmarkt", study on behalf of Gesellschaft für innovative Beschäftigungsförderung mbH (2006)

2019: Dialogue between practice and science "Generationswechsel und Kompetenzmanagement in Betriebsräten", closing event of the research project "Nachfolgeplanung und Übergangsgestaltung im Betriebsrat"

2017: Talk "Eine europäische Online-Plattform als Wegbereiter (digitaler) sozialer Innovationen? Das EU-Projekt I-LINC stellt sich vor" at the XIX. Conference for Applied Social Sciences of the professional association of German sociologists (BDS e.V.) (together with Matthias Cuypers und Bastian Pelka).

2016: Talk "Platforms for stakeholders in education, youth employability and inclusion – how can they improve?", Online Educa, Berlin.

2016: Poster presentation "The potential role of online platforms in processes of digital social innovation. Findings from the project I-LINC", E-April Conference, Porto, Portugal

2013: Talk "Innovative and sustainable solutions for the provision of good health and careservices in rural regions", Helix Conference 2013 of the University Linköping, Linköping, Sweden

2013: Talk "Vernetzung im Gesundheitswesen als Soziale Innovation", GFA Spring Conference

2008: Poster presentation "Transferpotential von Kammern für gesundes Arbeiten in kleinen Unternehmen", GfA Autumn Conference

2007 and 2009: Poster presentation of the project “PräTrans K+V”, Trade fair A+A (Trade fair for safety, security and health at work), Düsseldorf


You can also find a list of publications on the Dortmund University Bibliography page.