Prof. Dr. Hartmut Hirsch-Kreinsen

Research Fellow
Research field Industry and Labor Research
Career and focus of work
Hartmut Hirsch-Kreinsen's research focuses on the consequences of digitisation and Articial Intelligence for work and society. He is currently working on an expertise on the societal determining factors for the current boom of Artifical Intelligence, commissioned by ISF Munich.
Research focus
His research focus is on innovation sociology and sociology of technology as well as sociology of work and industry, at the moment he is especially interested in the digital transformation of work and society.
Further information
- Since 2021: Research Fellow, Social Research Center Dortmund, TU Dortmund University
- 2015–2020: Senior Professor, Department of Business and Economics, TU Dortmund University
- 2015: retirement
- 1997–2015: Chair Sociology of Economic and Industrial Sociology, TU Dortmund University
- 1985–1997: Research Associate, Institute for Social Sciene Research e.V., Munich
- 1978–1984: Research Associate, Institute for Sociology, TU Darmstadt
- 1993: Habilitation, Sociology, TU Darmstadt
- 1983: Dissertation, Dr.rer.pol., TU Darmstadt
- 1976: Graduation, Dipl.Wirtsch.Ing.
- Visiting scientist at various institutes and universities
You can also find a list of publications on the Dortmund University Bibliography page.