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Department of Social Sciences

Kerstin Guhlemann


Social Research Center Dortmund (sfs)

Evinger Platz 17, Room 70


Tel.: +49 231 755 90235

Fax: +49 231 755 90205


Picture of Kerstin Guhlemann © sfs

Research Associate
Coordinator of the research area Labour policy and health

Focus of work

Human-oriented work design
Occupational health and safety
Labor market integration
Employment histories

  • Since 2019: Coordinator of the research area "Labour policy and health" of the Social Research Center Dortmund
  • Since 2014: Tutor / Module Supervisor "Network and Cooperation Management", Apollon Hochschule der Gesundheitswirtschaft Bremen
  • Since 2011: Research Associate, research area "Labour policy and health", Social Research Center Dortmund
  • 2010: Master of Arts in Sociology and Media Studies, Ruhr University Bochum
  • 2009–2011: Research Assistant, research area "Labour policy and health", Social Research Center Dortmund
  • 2008–2014: Research Assistant, Institute for Work Science, Ruhr University Bochum
  • 2008: Student Assistant, Department for Medical Ethics and History of Medicine, Ruhr University Bochum

2024 - 2025 (Erasmus+): SmartVille – Developing Sustainable and Entrepreneurial Villages through Educational Living Labs in Namibia and Zambia

2023-2026 (BMBF): DepriBuddy - Design Thinking-based modelling of mediatised proximity and app development for a self-help network

2022–2025 (vdek): Prävention Kreativ! – Complementary social-artistic and soul-oriented health-promoting group interactions for addiction and violence prevention in inpatient care

2021–2023 (Erasmus+): ViSAS – Virtual Social Art Stage

2020–2021 (BMAS FIS): CAUSA-A: Compliance, acceptance and implementation of protective measures against infections in the workplace and the organization of occupational health and safety at work

2019–2024 (BMAS rehapro): GUIDE – Promoting Health for Permanent Employment

2019–2022 (Erasmus+): ARTE – The Art of Employability

2018–2021 (BMBF): Athene 4.0: Person-centred digitisation to secure the fu­ture of the craft sector

2017–2019 (Erasmus+): JobActEurope – social inclusion through social arts

2016–2019 (BMBF): Prävention 4.0: Präventive Arbeitsgestaltung in der Industrie 4.0 -  Auswirkungen der Digitalisierung auf Beschäftigte

2012–2015 (BMBF): INDIGHO: Innovation und demografischer Wandel im Hotel- und Gaststättengewerbe

2009–2011 (BGN): Auswirkung der Arbeit auf Jugendliche im Gastgewerbe und deren Lebenswelten


You can also find a list of publications on the Dortmund University Bibliography page.