Kay Cepera
Social Research Center Dortmund
Evinger Platz 17, room 31
Email: kay.ceperatu-dortmundde
Phone: +49 231 755 5869
Fax: +49 231 755 90205
Research Associate
Research field Sociology of Technology
Focus of work
Technology Acceptance
Change of Behaviour
Big Data
Mobility Behaviour
Usage of Digital Technologies
- since 10/2017: Research Associate at Technology Studies Group of TU Dortmund University (since 07/22 at the Social Research Center, TU Dortmund University)
- 11/2016 until 09/2017: Research Assistant at Technology Studies Group of TU Dortmund University
- 09/2018: Master of Arts in Social Science Innovation Research at TU Dortmund University
- 07/2014: Bachelor of Arts in Sociology and Philosophy at the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz
Lectures as research associate
- seminar „Autonomous technical systems / Big Data and Society“ (Master)
- seminar „Technology of the Web-society“ (Master)
- tutorial for the seminar „Network Theory“ (Master)
- tutorial for the lecture „Techniksoziologie“ (Bachelor)
- tutorial for the lecture „Organizational Sociology“ (Bachelor)
- InnaMoRuhr – Concept of an Integrated Sustainable Mobility in the Ruhr Area (2020–2023, funded by Ministry of Transport of the State of Nordrhein-Westfalen)
- ABIDA – Assessing Big Data (2015–2019, funded by BMBF)
- KoRiSim – Collaborative Data and Risk Management forFuture Energy Grids – a Simulation Study (2015–2018, funded by BMBF)
- "Trust in algorithms. An empirical study of users' willingness to change behaviour." 17th Annual STS Conference Graz 2018 Critical Issues in Science, Technology and Society Studies, Graz.
- "Real-Time Governance of Transportation Systems. A Simulation Study of Private Transport." 18th Annual STS Conference Graz 2019 Critical Issues in Science, Technology and Society Studies, Graz.
- "Simulating governance of complex transportation systems." Social Simulation Conference 2019, Mainz
- "Personengruppen einer Pandemie." Workshop 'Krise, Verantwortung und Kontrolle' of ELISA project at RUB 2021, Bochum (held with Marlon Philipp, in collaboration with Tobias Beier)
- "InnaMoRuhr – Preliminary results and theoretical reflections." 19th Annual STS Conference 2021, online
- "Participatory workshops as a means of inclusive mobility development." 20th Annual STS Conference 2022, Graz
- "Integration technischer und sozialer Dimensionen nachhaltiger Mobilität." Wissenschaftsforum Mobilität 2022, Duisburg
- "Exploring new urban commuting – Szenarienentwicklung einer nachhaltigen und integrierten Mobilität für die UA Ruhr auf Basis eines Mixed-Method-Ansatzes." Wissenschaftsforum Mobilität 2022, Duisburg
- "On-demand-Management komplexer Systeme – Wie nachhaltige Transformation mithilfe digitaler Technik gelingen kann." DGS-Arbeitskreis Soziologie der Nachhaltigkeit (SoNa) 2022, Passau
- Interviewee in: Wie beeinflussen Big Data und Algorithmen unsere Gesellschaft? Eine soziologische Sicht auf das Thema. "Versteckte Begleiter - Wie Big Data und Algorithmen unsere Gesellschaft beeinflussen", bachelor thesis of Felix Klein, HS Karlsruhe, 2018.