Marthe Zirngiebl
Social Research Center Dortmund (sfs)
Evinger Platz 17, Room 96
Email: marthe.zirngiebltu-dortmundde
Tel.: +49 231 755 90200
Fax: +49 231 755 90205
Research Associate
Research area Innovation and education in the digital society
Focus of work
Social Innovation
Sustainable Consumption and Production
- Since April 2018: Teaching activities, BSc und MSc Spatial Planning, TU Dortmund University
- Since February 2016: Research Associate at the Social Research Center, TU Dortmund University
- 2013–2015: MSc Environmental Studies and Sustainability Science, Lund University, Sweden
- 2012–2013: Research Assistant, Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment, Energy, Research Group 3, "Material Flows and Resource Management", project "POLFREE"
- 2009–2012: BA Arts & Culture, focus on "Political Culture", Maastricht University, Netherlands
- September 2011–January 2012: Exchange semester, Institut d'Études Politiques Aix-en-Provence, France
Completed research projects
SI-DRIVE – Social Innovation: Driving Force of Social Change (2014-2017; EU FP7)
MAKE-IT: Understanding Collective Awareness Platforms with the Maker Movement (2016-2017; EU Horizon 2020)
Zero Waste Shopping – An investigation of the transition towards package-free consumption practices, speedtalk at the International Sustainability Transitions Conference, 06.10.2021, Karlsruhe (digital), Germany
Nachhaltige Konsumpraktiken – Was wir ändern sollten ("Sustainable Consumption Practices – What we need to change"), Workshop together with Eva Wascher at the convention Impact Friends, 27.08.2021, Dortmund, Germany
Social Innovation and Social Change: Analysing the Diffusion of Zero Waste Practices, talk at the conference DGS Tagung Great Transformation: Die Zukunft moderner Gesellschaften, 26.09.2019, Jena, Germany
ALL PROFIT – Unternehmen als soziale Innovatoren? ("ALL PROFIT – Companies as social innovators?") Panel discussion by ZEIT-Stiftung at the 9. Millerntor Gallery of Viva con Agua, 06.07.2019, Hamburg, Germany
Building Blocks of a Typology of Social Innovation – How do Social Innovations Interact with their Environment? Talk at the annual EU-SPRI Tagung, 05.06.2019, Rome, Italy
Atlas of Social Innovation, talk at the conference XX. Tagung für Angewandte Sozialwissenschaften (BDS). Nachhaltig Leben und Wirtschaften. Management Sozialer Innovationen als Gestaltung gesellschaftlicher Transformation, 25.05.2019, Munich, Germany
The Zero Waste Movement as Social Innovation, talk at PhD Workshop "Social Innovation in Collaborative Projects", 02.04.2019, Unisinos, Porto Alegre, Brasil
Atlas of Social Innovation - Eine interaktive Wissensbank ("Atlas of Social Innovation – an interactive knowledge repository"), talk at the colloquium 3. Prozedurologisches Kolloquium: Transformierende Lehre etablieren, 12.10.2018, Weltethos Institut Tübingen, Germany
Building Blocks of a Typology of Social Innovation, talk at the International Sustainability Transitions Conference, 12.06.2018, Manchester, United Kingdom
Ergebnisse zu Kooperationen Sozialer Innovation aus dem Projekt SI-DRIVE ("Results on cooperations of social innovation based on the project SI-Drive"), talk at the workshop Transformative Kooperationen für nachhaltige Entwicklung during the annual conference of UPJ, 15.03.2018
Good intentions are not enough - the Maker Movement's current contribution to sustainability transitions, Speedtalk at the International Sustainability Transitions Conference, 21.06.2017, Gothenburg, Sweden
What are scenarios for a sustainable maker movement?, workshop at the Digital Social Innovation Fair, 02.02.2017, Rome
You can also find a list of publications on the Dortmund University Bibliography page.