Special Issue published: ‘The role of enabling technologies for employment of people with disabilities’
The issue comprises eight articles that examine social innovations in the thematic triangle between participation in work, assistive technologies and the living environment of people with disabilities.
The aim of this special issue is to cover different international and interdisciplinary perspectives on the possibilities of participation in work through assistive technologies. By exploring a variety of theories, methods and disciplinary perspectives, the special issue aims to broaden the understanding of the relationships between labour force participation, people with disabilities and assistive technologies. Therefore, this special issue considers the heterogeneity of people with disabilities as well as different work contexts and technologies. The special issue examines the transitions from school to the world of work, the transitions from workshops for people with disabilities to the general labour market, the participation of people with disabilities in the general labour market and education as an important prerequisite for access to the labour market. In view of the interdisciplinary and international nature of this special issue, it is clear that ‘disability’ can be described in different ways.
Link to the special issue: https://www.emerald.com/insight/publication/issn/2398-6263/vol/18/iss/2/3