Start of the Greenteam project in Emsland

There are already numerous activities and measures for climate adaptation in the district of Emsland, particularly in the area of water quantity management (Emslandplan 2.0 project or ELMIS for recording moorland areas and planning for rewetting). The Green Team approach supports cooperation within the administration and continuity. The topic of climate adaptation is considered in an integrated manner and worked on jointly within the administration. The aim is to strengthen cooperation and networking and to develop short, medium and long-term measures in an integrated manner. This approach contributes to the implementation of overarching strategies.
Thanks to the cooperation of the Green Team in the district of Emsland, it has already been possible to define subject areas in which specific climate adaptation measures are to be developed. In the two kick-off workshops in the district of Emsland, 37 employees from different departments of the administration took part. A need for action was identified in the areas of heat & health and disaster prevention & water. Good measures for long-term implementation have already been jointly developed here. However, it is also important to develop and implement ideas that can be implemented quickly. For example, for the district of Emsland include info-banners on heat prevention, participation in the refill campaign to fill your drinking vessel with water free of charge or skin screening offer for employees as part of a health week.
The environmental committee of the district council has deemed the Green Team project to be very valuable for the region of Emsland and supports Green Team by providing human resources. It is basically important for the local politicians to identify opportunities and design measures. And this is precisely where the politicians see the added value of the project and expect new ideas in addition to the existing approaches.
The long-term goal will be to create a climate adaptation concept for the district of Emsland. The process for creating this will be supplemented by the roadmap method and implemented systematically. This means that the measures will focus on the selected topic areas, be formulated in concrete terms (short, medium and long-term) and be feasible, and clear responsibilities will be defined.
Get more information on Green Team here. Even further information under this link.