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Department of Social Sciences


New book on transformation in the steel industry

The book from the ESSA project: Industry 4.0 and the road to sustainable steelmaking in Europe – Recasting the Future

ESSA Bookcover
The anthology on the digital, sustainable and social transformation of the steel industry, its effects and solutions for the future has been published. Antonius Schröder and Clara Behrend from the Social Research Centre (SFS) co-edited the book.


Antonius Schröder and Clara Behrend from the Social Research Centre have published the book "Industry 4.0 and the Road to Sustainable Steelmaking in Europe - Recasting the Future" together with colleagues from the European Steel Skills Alliance (ESSA). The book combines perspectives from practitioners with those from social science, economics and technology-oriented research. It offers a comprehensive insight into the social and technological transformation of the European steel industry and contains historical classifications, practical examples from various steel regions and steel companies and reflections on scientific data and findings. It is intended to provide a straightforward yet in-depth approach to the topic of Industry 4.0 in the steel industry in connection with skills requirements, the labour market, personnel management, talent management, recruiting and further training. In addition to taking stock, it also takes a look into the future.

The book is open access and can be read online here and the printed version can be ordered here.