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Department of Social Sciences


Sozialforschungsstelle represented with 2 Horizon Europe projects in the Global Gallery

Logo Chess und Logo greenSME © Chess und greenSME
On 16 May 2024, the third Global Gallery will take place at TU Dortmund University's International Meeting Centre (IBZ) and will provide an opportunity to learn about examples of good practice and talk to project representatives. The best projects will be selected by the participants and then awarded prizes.

This year, two international sfs projects will be taking part. Dr Karina Maldonado-Mariscal will present the CHESS project. It aims to strengthen social innovation ecosystems in four countries with different challenges (Slovenia, Italy, Lithuania and Greece). Clara Behrend will also present the greenSME project. This project focusses on comprehensive sustainability strategies for small and medium-sized enterprises in the manufacturing industry in the EU member states.

Anyone wishing to attend the event can register here by 30 April 2024.