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Department of Social Sciences


New mobility in the Sauerland region?

Gruppenbild Nemobil Menden © smart media solutions
f.l.t.r.: Fabian Kreutz (smart media), Jonathan Behm (Uni PB), Anna-Carina Zappe (smart media), Sara Schmidt (Economic development), Thomas Höddinghaus (City of Menden), Johannes Weyer, Fabian Adelt (both TU), Alessa Näpel, Matthias Thelen (both Public utilities), Moritz Ostermann (Uni PB)
Representatives of the city and Stadtwerke Menden discussed with the NeMo.bil project whether the innovative mobility system could also be used in the Sauerland region.

Representatives from the city and Stadtwerke Menden discussed with the NeMo.bil project whether the innovative mobility system could also be used in the Sauerland region. Together, they explored the potential of a new industrial estate that is to be networked with existing infrastructure. The discussion was attended by representatives of the Technische Universität Dortmund, Smart Media Solutions, Wirtschaftsförderung Menden, Stadt Menden and Stadtwerke Menden. A central point of the discussion was potential cooperation.

An exciting prospect for the future of the region!