Kerstin Guhlemann as a guest on Free Radio LORA Munich

In an interview with editor Anita Härle, she explained the concerns of the project against the background of the pathogenic effect of loneliness as a perceived discrepancy between desired and actually existing social relationships and the problem of no longer being able to establish, maintain and expand social contacts sufficiently in the case of drive-reducing mental illnesses.
She described the structure of the app to be developed in the project, its planned functions and content and gave insights into the work done so far in the project network as well as the experiences and findings that have emerged from the participatory development process with the target group so far.
Listen to the full interview here (the DepriBuddy project is discussed from minute 44): https://lora924.de/2025/02/09/einsamkeit-eine-erste-annaehrung-und-hilfen/
Further information: https://www.projektdepribuddy.de/