EU-SPRI 2025: Early Career Event invites Early

As knowledge producers, scientists play a central role in shaping societal futures. As current times are characterised by a plethora of societal challenges and crises, ranging from climate change to demographic changes, accompanied by profound technological change, such as the rapid spread of AI, the roles of researchers are also in flux. Especially relevant in this regard is also the question of (social) responsibility and objectivity of science. Although scientists – and consequently their scientific work – are shaped by personal views as well as the (political and social) environment in which they work, science is expected to be objective in its production of knowledge. Within the context of this year’s Eu-SPRI Early Career Event, we will discuss these questions of responsibilities and tasks of (early career) researchers.
More information according to the focus, to concept, working methods and target audience and criteria for participation as well as to the practicalities you find here: https://euspri2025.de/index.php/early-career-event/
Submission Deadline: 16 March 2025