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Department of Social Sciences


Circularity research in dialog

EcoDesign 2023 combines ecological and social sustainability

Marlon Philipp von der sfs spricht mit einem Mikrofon © 2014-2022 ECO DESIGN. All Rights Reserved
Marlon Philipp auf der EcoDesign 2023
Antonio Isopp and Marlon Philipp took part in the 13th international Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing (EcoDesign 2023) from 29.11.2023 to 01.12.2023 as part of the BMBF-funded project DIONA "Digital Ecosystem for a Sustainable Circular Economy in the Automotive Industry". The EcoDesign conference takes place every two years in Japan. At EcoDesign 2023, topics such as the sustainable design of products, the evaluation of product life cycles and the use of sustainability indicators were discussed. The role of new technologies and infrastructures was also discussed in the presentations. Finally, the social perspective of sustainable design was another overarching theme of the conference.

Antonio Isopp and  Marlon Philipp attended the EcoDesign conference in Japan as part of the DIONA project. This year's conference was held in Nara, the old capital of Japan. There they successfully presented and discussed the results of their interview study on the understanding of sustainability in the German automotive industry.

The conference also provided them with exciting new insights and different international perspectives on sustainable transformation in product design. In particular, the many constructive discussions with their scientific colleagues were very informative for both of them, as different international challenges were revealed, but it was also made clear that the solutions found can also be transferable to the context of other countries. In addition to numerous fruitful scientific discussions, the keynote speeches by Diana Ürge-Vorsatz, Shigeru Ban and Nancy Bocken in particular demonstrated that decisive action to reduce emissions is necessary, as the costs of climate adaptation exceed the costs of avoiding emissions many times over (Diana Ürge-Vorsatz), experimenting with unusual building materials can help to reduce emissions, even if many regulatory hurdles need to be overcome (Shigeru Ban) and sufficiency strategies are becoming more relevant for companies, e.g. reducing consumption through durable products and comprehensive service, repair and rental offers (Nancy Bocken).

The knowledge gained during EcoDesign 2023 will be incorporated into the DIONA project and the Mobilkreis consortium in order to better understand the circular economy challenges facing the German automotive industry and to contribute to the development of innovative solution strategies.


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