Students establish practical contacts

The students have developed three courses on the topics of "Data Protection", "Application Letters" and "Finding a Place to Live" and want to hold them in Dortmund institutions in March. The courses last two hours each and are aimed at pupils from special schools, employees in sheltered workshops and people in residential facilities. Another target group this year is juvenile prisoners, as one cooperation partner is the JVA Iserlohn.
"The topics are highly relevant for the target group," says Bastian Pelka. This was confirmed to him by the practice partners who took part in the contact day in the rooms of the Social Research Centre. The invited representatives of institutions were able to "book" the courses with the students and make appointments for their institutions. Each course is offered about five times by the ten students. This creates a three-sided benefit: The institutions receive innovation impulses from the students and get fresh ideas for digital participation; the participants get opportunities to improve their participation in work, housing and digital media; and the students can test themselves as lecturers in different contexts and with different target groups.
This year, Get Online Week will be held in the last week of March. Until then, the students will prepare their courses with the institutions as well as develop a survey instrument to evaluate their courses.