Platform for Social Innovation: Launch of the Science Network

In September, the German government adopted the National Strategy for Social Innovations and Welfare-Oriented Enterprises (German original denomination: Strategie für Soziale Innovationen und Gemeinwohlorientierte Unternehmen). The Platform for Social Innovation, a joint project of Social Impact gGmbH, SEND e.V. and the Social Research Centre Dortmund at the Department of Social Sciences at TU Dortmund University, is one of the most important measures aimed at serving to implement this strategy. The project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). In conjunction with the digital platform as a one-stop-shop for anyone who wants to learn more about social innovation, there will be numerous interactive offerings for acquiring and exchanging knowledge as well as for networking. Against this background, the “Science Team” of the Platform for Social Innovation is setting up a new network for members of scientific institutions. From spring 2024, the team will organisefrequent Hot Topic Workshops with experts from Germany and abroad. In addition, various working groups will work on key topics developed by the scientific community. Insights from international research, new publications and projects will also be spotlighted on the digital platform.
The kick-off event for the Science Network of the Platform for Social Innovation was opened by PD Dr Christoph Kaletka (Deputy Director of the Social Research Centre). He did not only welcome numerous participants from faculties, transfer centres, research institutions, administration and university development, but also drew a line from the innovation policy of the last decade to this year’s preliminary highlight: the publication of the National Strategy for Social Innovations and Welfare-Oriented Enterprises (German original denomination: Strategie für Soziale Innovationen und Gemeinwohlorientierte Unternehmen). During the he kick-off event, the participants had the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the topic and the platform and to engage in dialogue with each other and the platform's Science Team. Next,Prof. Dr Jürgen Howaldt (Director of the Social Research Centre) and Dr Isabel Roessler (Senior Project Manager at the Centre for Higher Education)in their keynote speeches provided insights into the importance of social innovation for scientific institutions from different perspectives, outlined current developments and presented research findings. Marthe Zirngiebl (Social Research Centre) then gave an overview of the platform's activities for members of scientific institutions.
An intensive exchange was ensured by small group discussions on research, teaching and transfer. The breakout groups were moderated and facilitated by the members of the Science Team at the Social Research Centre: Katrin Bauer, PD Dr Christoph Kaletka, Dr Ralf Kopp, Daniel Krüger and Marthe Zirngiebl. Dr Daniel Kruse from the Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development enriched the teaching group as a moderator with his expertise from the university network for social innovation and social entrepreneurship education. Central to all discussion rounds was the question of how the science network of the Platform for Social Innovation could specifically support developments in all three university missions. The event was concluded with an outlook by PD Dr Christoph Kaletka, in which he announced the first working group meetings as well as the first Hot Topic Workshop and a major conference for autumn 2024.
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