The Consequences of Artificial Intelligence for the Innovation System

The focus of the article is on the interaction between the specific innovation requirements of artificial intelligence and the institutional conditions of the given innovation system. The thesis is that with the technology field of AI a specific new mode of innovation is being constituted. This is only partially compatible with the practices and structural conditions of the established, distinctly industrially oriented National Innovation System in Germany, in fact it is pushing for changes and structural change. This thesis is elaborated in the following steps: First, the specific innovation mode with its different dimensions is described. Second, the structural consequences of this mode for the National Innovation System are discussed. Thirdly, the perspective of an increased segmentation of the National Innovation System is outlined and fourthly, conceptual and innovation-political implications of the findings are worked out.
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- Band 214 | Künstliche Intelligenz und Wandel des Innovationssystem
- Beiträge aus der Forschung | Archiv