Digital Inclusion: sfs co-hosted session at Human-Computer-Interaction Conference
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The session was organized by the Technology for Inclusion and Participation (TIP) cluster of TU Dortmund’s Faculty of Rehabilitation Sciences and and the newly founded ICT for Inclusion (ICT4I) working unit at Hochschule für Heilpädagogik in Zurich, Switzerland. Chaired by Dr. habil. Christoph Kaletka (sfs / TIP) and Prof. Daniela Nussbaumer (ICT4I), the scientific contributions focused on diverse thematic questions:
- How accessible are videos used in higher education?
- What is the common ground of inclusive ICT and sustainability considerations?
- Inhowfar can apps and digital resources be used in speech and language therapy, and what are the barriers preventing a more comprehensive use?
These and more topics were raised and discussed in a multi-national group of participants.
TU Dortmund University’s Sozialforschungsstelle has been a partner in the interdisciplinary TIP cluster in recent years, providing expertise in (social) innovation and digital inclusion research.