Substitute Professor Bastian Pelka habilitated

The main research areas of substitute professor Dr. habil. Pelka are the design of digital participation and questions of the transition from school to work. In 2002, he received his doctorate with the topic "Artificial Intelligence and Communication. Delphi Study on Technology Assessment of the Impact of AI on Communication, Media and Society" at the University of Münster. After working for the Bertelsmann Foundation, the mmb Institute for Media and Competence Research, gaus Gmbh and parallel activities as a lecturer at various universities and as a journalist, Bastian Pelka began working as a research assistant at the Social Research Center in 2008. Here he took over the coordination of the research area "Innovation and Education in the Digital Society" in 2010. Since October 2021, he has been a substitute professor at the Faculty of Rehabilitation Sciences.
We congratulate him on his habilitation!