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Department of Social Sciences


Event and Call for Papers | EU-SPRI Early Career Research Conference

Social Innovation Policy: Concepts, Methods and Policy Practices | Extended Deadline For Abstracts

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European Capital of Innovation collage with a photo of Dortmund city center in the evening © Stadt Dortmund
The Early Career Research Conference (ECC) “Social Innovation Policy: Concepts, Methods and Policy Practices” will take place in Dortmund – the city that won the title „The European Capital of Innovation“ in 2021.

With the topic "Social Innovation Policy: Concepts, Methods and Policy Practices", the Early Career Research Conference (ECC) of the European Network Eu-SPRI will take place on September 21-23. The event is organized in cooperation with TU Dortmund University (Social Research Centre) and Fraunhofer ISI and will take place in the European Innovation Capital Dortmund. The conference is supported by the European School of Social Innovation (ESSI). The extended deadline for abstract submission is 16 May 2022.

The conference offers a diverse program that includes presentations, keynote addresses, a policy and practitioner panel discussion, a conference award, networking sessions, social activities, and a conference dinner.

Confirmed for the conference are the following international experts:

  • Jakob Edler / Katrin Ostertag (Fraun­ho­fer In­sti­tute for Sys­tems and In­no­va­ti­on Research ISI, Karls­ru­he)
  • Jürgen Howaldt / Christoph Kaletka (TU Dort­mund Uni­ver­sity, Faculty of Social Science, Social Research Centre - sfs)
  • Julia Wittmayer (Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences ESSB, Rotterdam)
  • Klaus Schuch (Centre for Social In­no­va­ti­on ZSI, Vienna)
  • Judith Terstriep (In­sti­tute for Work and Technology IAT, Gelsenkirchen)
  • Mike Asquith (European Environmental Agency, Copenhagen)

Early career researchers interested in participating are asked to submit an abstract, which is mandatory for participation, by May 16, 2022.

For more information, please click here: Call and Event Description (PDF, English) and here on the website of Eu-SPRI (European Forum for Studies of Policies for Research and Innovation).