Research project on addiction and violence prevention in inpatient care started

The Forschungsgesellschaft für Gerontologie e.V. is the project leader and is responsible for the evaluation. The conception of the measures and their preparation for transfer is carried out by the Social Research Centre of the TU Dortmund in cooperation with the psychotherapeutic outpatient clinic of the University of Siegen and the Projektfabrik Witten. The latter will test and implement the preventive measures in the care facilities. The project is implemented on the basis of the "Leitfaden Prävention in der stationären Pflege gemäß § 5 Abs. 1 Satz 3 SGB XI" of the GKV-Spitzenverband, which defines the criteria for the services. The project has a duration of three and a half years.
Counteracting addiction and violence in a creative and low-threshold way
The background to the project "Prävention Kreativ! " project is the need for innovative low-threshold concepts for the prevention of addiction and violence in care facilities on the one hand, and the need for well-founded findings on the effectiveness of health-promoting and preventive measures in the area of addiction and violence in the setting of inpatient care for the elderly on the other. In order to address these needs, the concept of "Social Art" is combined with the method of motivational interviewing within the framework of "Prävention Kreativ". Social Art has proven to be effective for the empowerment of different target groups in vulnerable situations. The motivational interviewing approach is also suitable for strengthening self-efficacy, having a de-escalative effect and building up new coping strategies.
Behavioural and situational prevention
With the help of artistically creative and mentally oriented group offers for and with residents of the care facilities and through training of employees and relatives, changes are to be brought about on the levels of behavioural and situational prevention. On the one hand, health-endangering behaviour of the residents towards themselves and other people is to be reduced or prevented. On the other hand, health-promoting structures in the facilities are to be established and strengthened in the long term.
Evaluation and transfer
In the course of the project, the developed concepts are continuously adapted to the needs of the target groups and prepared in the form of module components for transfer and application in other care facilities.
Funding: Verband der Ersatzkassen e. V. (vdek) in the name and on behalf of Techniker Krankenkasse (TK), BARMER, DAK-Gesundheit, KKH Kaufmännische Krankenkasse, hkk -Handelskrankenkasse and HEK - Hanseatische Krankenkasse.
Duration: 01.07.2022 - 31.12.2025
Cooperation partners:
- Research Association for Gerontology e.V. / Institute for Gerontology at TU Dortmund
- Projektfabrik Witten gGmbH
- University of Siegen, Institute of Psychology and Psychotherapeutic University Outpatient Clinic
- Caritas Association of the City of Gelsenkirchen, Haus St. Anna
- Diakonie in Dortmund and Lünen, Ev. Altenzentrum Lünen
- AWO Lower Rhine, Seniorenzentrum Helmuth-Kuhlen-Haus
- SZB Wassenberg Altenpflegeheim GmbH
Associated partners: