“Trustworthy AI Made in Germany and Europe”: New volume of Beiträge aus der Forschung

In order to prevail in the global race for technological leadership or at least not to be left behind, the research, development and application of Artificial Intelligence (AI), as a key technology of the 21st century, has long since evolved into a fundamental pillar of modern industrial nations. With the establishment of Trustworthy AI Made in Germany and Made in Europe, the German Government and the European Union are aiming to realize a characteristic European unique selling proposition. As a result, it is hoped to generate a decisive competitive advantage over the competition from the USA and China and, by virtue of this, to support the international competitiveness of the German and European economy. In addition, the intention is to transfer European value standards to the international level. The aim of this paper is to investigate whether and to what extent the development of a Trustworthy AI Made in Germany/Europe actually functions as a well-founded unique feature. In addition, questions are addressed as to which implications the constitution of a Trustworthy AI entails. Furthermore, it is examined, which factors must be particularly considered and, if necessary, additionally be integrated, in order to be able to exploit the colported impact potentials of a trustworthy AI in the best possible way. The authors of the article assume that especially in the German-European context an interplay between Industrial and Trustworthy AI orientation, which has been largely neglected so far, can create an indispensable and sustainable connection for the promotion and increase of the AI benefit potential.
The publication is in German language with an abstract in English. It can retrieved here.