Train the Trainer: ArtE project partners meet for transnational training in Porto
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Enabling people to (re)enter the world of work with the help of Social Art - that is the goal of ArtE. A combination of job coaching, Social Art and entrepreneurial mindset training helps participants to visualise their personal and professional goals and to develop the necessary skills to get there. Above all, work on social skills and self-confidence, but of course also professional skills play an important role. In order to experience the effect of the method "first hand" and to disseminate the method to suitable trainers, the project partners from Portugal, Spain, Italy and Germany met in Porto in the first week of April 2022 for a transnational training.
Everybody is an artist!
This was the motto of the "Train the Trainer" week in Porto. In daily theatre training sessions, in which Social Art methods were applied and presented, the participants learned to enter into dialogue with themselves and with others. The impulse theme of "fairy tales" from the project partner "Projektfabrik" from Witten served as the basis for the theatre work. In small groups, scenes of a fairy tale were developed, which were the basis for the visit of potential new stakeholders on the last training day.
Entrepreneurial Mindset
In addition to the scenic work, the training served to introduce the participants to the concept of the Entrepreneurial Mindset. The partner organisation “Vivaio per l'Intraprendenza” from Florence presented various tools and had the participants try them out in small groups. It was important to show the connection between an entrepreneurial spirit and theatre training and how this is relevant for the empowerment of unemployed people. More detailed information about the connection between theatre and the entrepreneurial mindset will be published in a vademecum after the end of the project in this summer. This will be available for download on the ArtE homepage.
Numerous success stories
The ArtE project is scientifically monitored by the Social Research Centre, so that Christine Best, Christina Meyn and Celine Dora, who are scientifically employed at the sfs, were also on site. Accordingly, the results evaluations and success stories of the participants in the pilot projects (see also the ArtE blog, written by trainers and participants), which were presented daily by the individual partners, were particularly interesting for the sfs. Since the start of the project in winter 2019, seven pilot projects have already been carried out with around 100 unemployed people. The project consortium is highly motivated to continue the success story of the use of Social Art against unemployment and lack of perspective, for empowerment of the individual and in the fight against social inequalities in further projects.
- ArtE | project details
- ArtE-Homepage & Blog
- Results of the scientific research & Toolsets "Social Art" (PDF-Downloads)
- JobAct Europe – Social Inclusion through Social Arts
- ViSAS – Virtual Social Art Stage
- Projektfabrik gGmbH