The Evolving Regions project is presented in the “Welt am Sonntag” newspaper

After a presentation of the Evolving Regions project by Jürgen Schultze and Robert Tenambergen from the sfs, an explanation of climate protection and climate adaptation measures in the district of Soest by Frank Hockelmann and Anja Berg, and a brief overview of city-related topics in the city of Soest by Rainer Wolf, the practical implementation of climate adaptation measures in the city of Soest could then be inspected.
These included the green roof of a school, a drinking fountain, waterworks and, as the highlight of the tour, the renaturation of the Soestbach; a successful renaturation measure which, thanks to a wider riverbed, now also provides greater protection during heavy rainfall. In addition to this important function as a retention area, the renaturalised Soestbach serves as a living and recreational space.
Another site visit followed in Lippstadt. Ms Specovius (City Planning and Environmental Protection Department of the City of Lippstadt) presented the city's climate protection activities and then went on to visit the concrete climate adaptation measures in Lippstadt. These included the Südertorpark, the rebuilt Theodor Heuss Park, the new town hall, the Kopernikus School and the "Auf dem Rode" development area. After this implementation- and practice-oriented tour, sfs research assistant Robert Tenambergen and sfs scientist Jürgen Schultze used the remaining time to present the project from a scientific perspective.
The article of the Welt am Sonntag ("So wappnen sich Gemeinden jetzt gegen Dürre und Flut" | German) by Céline Lauer and Verena Müller, which deals with the climate adaptation measures of the city of Soest and the project Evolving Regions, is available for Welt+ subscribers under this link.