Taking Social Innovation to the Streets - Support and Funding for Engaged People in Urban Society

The online workshop was the final event of the Impact Hub’s project Beyond Divides. On this occasion, ideas and results of two initiatives, which emerged from Beyond Divides, were presented. In addition, the event informated about financing and funding opportunities for people with ideas regarding social entrepreneurship. Melusine Reimers, multiple founder and start-up consultant at the Ruhr-Uni Bochum described her experiences in an interview. Afterwards, regional organisations, which support people with social ideas in different programmes, introduced themselves. The Centre for Entrepreneurship & Transfer (CET) of the TU Dortmund University, Dortmund’s Economic Development Agency, the Innovation-Lab Bochum and the Social Impact gGmbH, which is also a project partner in SIKE, introduced themselves.
Both projects, Beyond Divides as well as the Erasmus+ project SIKE, aim at fostering knowledge exchange between actors from different social areas. SIKE focuses on the exchange of knowledge between higher education institutions and organisations that are practically engaged in social innovation, while Beyond Divides aims to strengthen social cohesion. Ultimately, both projects contribute to the further development of the regional ecosystem of social innovation in the Ruhr Area.
Initially, the workshop was planned to take place in the rooms of the Impact Hub Essen. Due to current contact restrictions in connection with Covid-19, the event was held in online format at short notice.