Evolving Regions at the KLIMA.WERKSTATT of KlimaDiskurs.NRW

After a substantive introduction by the NRW Environment Minister Ursula Heinen-Esser on the NRW Climate Adaptation Act and the President of the Federal Environment Agency Prof. Dirk Messner on climate impacts and climate adaptation, various stakeholders discussed necessary measures in a panel. The following four workshops focused on different aspects of climate adaptation: From municipal climate adaptation to industry and business adaptation, climate adaptation in agriculture, forestry and water management, and climate change impacts on cooling.
Katharina Schrot presented the Evolving Regions project in the workshop "Climate adaptation in concrete terms - existing at the municipal level" and discussed the need for climate adaptation at the local level with various municipal stakeholders. After all, the consequences of climate change are clearly felt, especially at the local level. Moderated by Angela Wegener from Radio Wuppertal, Katharina Schrot was joined by Dr. Philipp Lande from LAG 21 NRW, Karl-Heinz Frings from the City of Duisburg and Anke Valentin from Wila Bonn, who provided exciting input and led to a lively discussion about climate adaptation at the local level.
Further information on the KlimaDiskurs.NRW association can be found here and on the event here.