Release of the “Atlas of Social Innovation - 2nd Volume: A World of New Practices”

The book series Atlas of Social Innovation aims to provide a comprehensive overview on the multifaceted manifestations, contexts and perspectives of social innovation. After the successful first volume, the second volume Atlas of Social Innovation –A World of New Practices, again compiled and realized by a research team of TU Dortmund University brings together the leading experts of the field. In 43 articles, the Atlas opens up new insights into current trends of social innovation research and its connection to other schools of thought and research traditions. The conceptual underpinnings draw upon the experiences of a variety of disciplines contributing to the rich, multi-layered nature of the phenomenon. By building up a knowledge repository for a growing community of practitioners, policy makers and researchers, the book opens up new avenues to unfold the potential of social innovation.
The articles will be published online at by the end of October. The website invites its users to download selected articles and to propose future articles for a more complete global picture of social innovation. You can order a hard copy or e-book at or support your local bookstore.
If you have any further questions, please contact Marthe Zirngiebl (marthe.zirngiebltu-dortmundde).
Atlas of Social Innovation – 2nd Volume: A World of New Practices
Jürgen Howaldt, Christoph Kaletka, Antonius Schröder, Marthe Zirngiebl (Eds.)
A unique knowledge repository for the global community of practitioners, policy makers and researchers. With contributions from Jo Barraket, Taco Brandsen, Tim Draimin, Benoît Godin, Carlos Guaipatin, Lars Hulgård, Johanna Mair, Frank Moulaert, Frank Pot, Johan Schot, Klaus Schuch, Judith Sutz… and many more.
oekoem verlag, München